CAS RPM, March 15, 2023, San Diego CA
PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
We propose a flexible Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) framework for modelling claim frequency and severity, and for ratemaking, reserving and risk selection.
We showcase a few case studies to demonstrate the flexibility and wide applicability of the framework.
Our model has been implemented in Julia and R as open-source packages, readily available for a variety of applications.
Joint work by the actuarial science research group at the University of Toronto: Spark Tseung, Prof. Tsz Chai (Samson) Fung, Prof. Andrei Badescu, and Prof. X. Sheldon Lin.
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GLM is simple yet powerful.
GLM is easy to implement.
GLM is interpretable and accessible.
However, GLM can fail miserably in insurance applications, because real data do not satisfy GLM assumptions.
Claim frequency distribution is zero-inflated.
There is an excess probability of zero claims.
Example: Australian auto insurance data (ausprivauto040) in CASDatasets (Dutang and Charpentier 2020), GLM fit vs. empirical.
Claim severity distribution is multimodal and/or heavy-tailed.
Observations are censored and/or truncated.
Example: French auto insurance data (freMTPLsev) in CASDatasets (Dutang and Charpentier 2020).
Example: Modelling claim frequency with a 3-component Poisson mixture.
Example: A Poisson mixture model combined with logistic regression.
Here is an example on how to incorporate covariates into the Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) framework.
Example: Australian auto insurance data (ausprivauto040) in CASDatasets (Dutang and Charpentier 2020). Analyzed in (Badescu et al. 2021), LRMoE provides a better fit than GLM.
Example: French auto insurance data (freMTPLsev) in CASDatasets (Dutang and Charpentier 2020). Analyzed in (Tseung et al. 2021), LRMoE can provide good fit to data exhibiting multimodality.
Let \(\mathbf{x}_{i} = (x_{i0}, x_{i1}, \dots, x_{iP})^{T}\) denote the covariates for policyholder \(i\) for \(i=1, 2, \dots, n\).
Based on the covariates, policyholder \(i\) is classified into one of \(g\) latent risk classes by a logit gating function \[ \pi_{j}(\mathbf{x}_{i}; \mathbf{\alpha}_{j}) = \frac{\exp(\sum_{k=0}^{P} \alpha_{jk} x_{ik})}{\sum_{j^{\prime}=1}^{g} \exp(\sum_{k^=0}^{P} \alpha_{j^{\prime}k} x_{ik}) }, \quad j = 1, 2, \dots, g, \] where \(\mathbf{\alpha}_{j} = (\alpha_{j0}, \alpha_{j1}, \dots, \alpha_{jP})^{T}\) are the regression coefficients for latent class \(j\).
Given the assignment of latent class \(j \in \{ 1, 2, \dots, g \}\), the response variables \(\mathbf{y}_{i}\) are modelled by an expert distribution function \(f_j(\mathbf{y}_{i}; \mathbf{\varphi}_j)\) with parameters \(\mathbf{\varphi}_j\). Note that it does not depend on the covariates.
While our LRMoE framework is simpler (does not consider covariates in the distribution function), it is still flexible and powerful.
Formally speaking (Fung, Badescu, and Lin 2019b),
Indeed, actuaries may prefer simpler models (like LRMoE) in practice for their interpretability and ease of implementation.
Other advantages: (easier) estimation, tail-catching, capture multi-modality and dependency
We will consider several applications of LRMoE on real insurance data.
We aim to demonstrate the following desirable features and potential use cases of our framework for actuarial modelling.
Fitting both frequency and severity data with much better results.
Modelling correlated claim frequency in a single framework.
Dealing with censored/truncated data due to policy limits/deductibles.
Extending to other problems such as insurance risk selection, claims reserving and IBNR prediction.
Our introductory examples on the Australian (ausprivauto040) and French (freMTPLsev) auto insurance datasets have already demonstrated the superior fitting performance of LRMoE compared to GLM.
Question: What expert functions (distributions) should one use?
In theory, LRMoE is flexible with suitable choices of expert functions.
Our package currently supports:
In practice, the choice of expert functions depends on the following:
(Fung, Badescu, and Lin 2019a) considers fitting LRMoE to the claim frequency of two correlated lines: Third-Party Liability (TPL) and Car Damages (CD).
We consider a European major insurer’s portfolio with 18k policyholders.
Empirically, the two coverages are correlated with Kendall’s \(\tau\) = 0.241, so it may not be appropriate to assume independence.
CD coverage is over-dispersed, and both TPL and CD are right-skewed and heavy-tailed, which renders Poisson a poor modelling choice.
We fit (zero-inflated, ZI-) Negative Binomial (NB) GLM as benchmark models.
We use the Erlang-Count (EC) experts for LRMoE, which will make our model theoretically flexible. Five components are used based on the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).
LRMoE with EC experts outperforms both NB GLM and ZINB GLM in terms of fitting the chi-square statistic and the log-likelihood.
TPL | Empirical | Fitted | CD | Empirical | Fitted | ||||||
NB | ZINB | LRMoE | NB | ZINB | LRMoE | ||||||
0 | 16971 | 16975.06 | 16976.66 | 16965.19 | 0 | 14182 | 14177.32 | 14205.6 | 14188.88 | ||
1 | 991 | 972.64 | 969.88 | 1001.73 | 1 | 2499 | 2498.57 | 2386.71 | 2484.87 | ||
2 | 48 | 65.9 | 66.81 | 40.75 | 2 | 752 | 810.45 | 883.92 | 777.23 | ||
3 | 3 | 4.95 | 5.14 | 7.31 | 3 | 359 | 307.02 | 333.24 | 317.83 | ||
4 | 5 | 0.41 | 0.45 | 2.82 | 4 | 129 | 125.77 | 127.56 | 155.43 | ||
5+ | 1 | 0.04 | 0.05 | 1.2 | 5 | 66 | 54.19 | 49.51 | 64.01 | ||
6 | 22 | 24.22 | 19.46 | 22.04 | |||||||
7 | 7 | 11.15 | 7.74 | 6.52 | |||||||
8+ | 3 | 10.3 | 5.26 | 2.19 | |||||||
\(\chi^2\) | 81.31 | 70.61 | 5.66 | \(\chi^2\) | 22.59 | 33.88 | 11.13 | ||||
loglik | -4224.94 | -4213.99 | -4208.77 | loglik | -13279.18 | -13204.95 | -13178.68 |
The LRMoE model produces a fitted Kendall’s \(\tau\) = 0.240 (vs empirical value 0.241), which indicates the dependence is well captured.
Besides, LRMoE also captures the higher-order moments of the two coverages better than the benchmark models.
TPL | Empirical | Fitted | CD | Empirical | Fitted | ||||||
NB | ZINB | LRMoE | NB | ZINB | LRMoE | ||||||
mean | 0.062 | 0.062 | 0.062 | 0.062 | mean | 0.34 | 0.34 | 0.34 | 0.34 | ||
% diff | 0.01% | 0.00% | 0.16% | % diff | -0.01% | -0.04% | -0.01% | ||||
variance | 0.069 | 0.068 | 0.068 | 0.069 | variance | 0.649 | 0.669 | 0.644 | 0.65 | ||
% diff | -2.15% | -1.86% | -0.43% | % diff | 3.08% | -0.81% | 0.22% | ||||
skewness | 5.084 | 4.522 | 4.544 | 5.096 | skewness | 3.265 | 3.672 | 3.305 | 3.261 | ||
% diff | -11.05% | -10.62% | 0.24% | % diff | 12.45% | 1.22% | -0.13% | ||||
kurtosis | 40.248 | 26.386 | 26.755 | 41.938 | kurtosis | 16.509 | 23.063 | 17.988 | 16.399 | ||
% diff | -34.44% | -33.53% | 4.20% | % diff | 39.70% | 8.96% | -0.67% |
Policyholder A: Lots of undesirable risk characteristics but no claims are observed during the contract period.
Policyholder B: An average risk profile with 1 CD claim.
Policyholder C: Relatively desirable risk characteristics but eventually had 1 TPL and 2 CD claims during the contract period.
In a working technical report, we apply risk selection approach to a real dataset from a major Canadian automobile insurer.
We consider a portfolio from 2014 to 2020.
We re-fit the LRMoE model every half year, and select the top 5% most risky policyholders to cede to a risk-sharing pool, based on
We compare which losses are identified and how much is saved by eliminating the losses generated by the risky policyholders.
We will see LRMoE outperforms by a huge margin!
Data censoring and truncation are common in insurance data, e.g. due to policy limits and deductibles, as well as the observation times for incurred but not reported (IBNR) claims.
Parameter estimation becomes more involved when data are censored and/or truncated, but the underlying idea remains the same.
(Fung, Badescu, and Lin 2021b) first derived an algorithm for estimating the parameters of LRMoE with censored and/or truncated data, and presented two applications:
(Fung, Badescu, and Lin 2021a) presented a more comprehensive framework for applying LRMoE to the prediction of IBNR claims with a case study on a real dataset from a major European automobile insurer.
As a mixture-based model, parameter estimation for LRMoE can be done by the Expectation-Conditional-Maximization (ECM) algorithm.
(Fung, Badescu, and Lin 2019a) contains an illustration of fitting LRMoE to frequency data.
(Fung, Badescu, and Lin 2021b) focuses on estimation from censored and/or truncated data.
A general introduction to the E(C)M algorithm can be found in (Geoffrey J. McLachlan and Krishnan 2007). A general introduction to finite mixture models can be found in (Geoffrey J. McLachlan, Lee, and Rathnayake 2019).
Implementing the estimation involves some customization based on the selection of experts functions, as well as modifications based on the presence of censored and/or truncated data.
Our research group has developed two software packages for LRMoE, which are open-source and readily available for use on real datasets (Tseung et al. 2020) and (Tseung et al. 2021).
It is not difficult to interface with Python via packages like PyJulia
(Arakaki et al. 2022) and rpy2
(github repository).
Our software packages offer several new distinctive features which are motivated by various actuarial applications and mostly cannot be achieved using existing packages for mixture models.
While LRMoE(.jl) was initially developed for actuarial application, our packages also allow for customized expert functions for various modelling problems within and beyond the insurance context.
We will see LRMoE.jl
in action, including model fitting to real dataset, model comparison and interpretation.
GLM is popular with actuaries, but it may fail on complex insurance datasets.
We introduced the LRMoE framework for insurance frequency and severity data, as well as many other applications.
Our proposed model is shown to provide superior performance on various datasets and modelling problems.
We have developed two software packages for LRMoE, which are open-source and readily available for use on real applications.
Many potential extensions and applications for LRMoE are still ongoing… Keep an eye on our latest publications and presentations!
Our research group is always looking for collaborations. Please reach out to us if you have interesting and challenging problems to solve!