Adding Customized Expert Functions

In addition to the expert functions included in the package, users can also write their own expert functions specific to a particular modelling problem (not confined within actuarial contexts).

Type Hierarchy

Expert functions are implemented as subtypes of the AnyExpert type in this package. A good number of expert functions are simply wrappers around the UnivariateDistribution type in Distributions.jl (details here), and functions such as pdf and cdf are also directly using those in Distributions.jl.

Expert functions can be defined either on the real line, or only on nonnegative values (as is usually the case for actuarial loss modelling).

# Abstract type: support of expert function
abstract type ExpertSupport end
struct RealValued <: ExpertSupport end
struct NonNegative <: ExpertSupport end

Considering zero inflation is prominant in many actuarial applications, expert functions can be either zero-inflated or not, provided that they are supported only on nonnegative values.

# Abstract type: whether the expert is zero-inflated
abstract type ZeroInflation end
struct ZI <: ZeroInflation end
struct NonZI <: ZeroInflation end

Each expert function is a univariate distribution (see here for UnivariateDistribution in Distributions.jl), with appropriate indication of support and zero inflation.

# Abstract type: AnyExpert
abstract type AnyExpert{s<:ExpertSupport, z<:ZeroInflation, d<:UnivariateDistribution} end
# Discrete or Continuous
const DiscreteExpert{s<:ExpertSupport, z<:ZeroInflation} = 
                AnyExpert{s, z, DiscreteUnivariateDistribution}
const ContinuousExpert{s<:ExpertSupport, z<:ZeroInflation} = 
                AnyExpert{s, z, ContinuousUnivariateDistribution}
# Real-valued expert distributions
const RealDiscreteExpert = DiscreteExpert{RealValued, NonZI}
const RealContinuousExpert = ContinuousExpert{RealValued, NonZI}
# Nonnegative-valued expert distributions
const NonNegDiscreteExpert{z<:ZeroInflation} = DiscreteExpert{NonNegative, z}
const NonNegContinuousExpert{z<:ZeroInflation} = ContinuousExpert{NonNegative, z}
# Zero-inflated
const ZIDiscreteExpert = NonNegDiscreteExpert{ZI}
const ZIContinuousExpert = NonNegContinuousExpert{ZI}
# Non zero-inflated
const NonZIDiscreteExpert = NonNegDiscreteExpert{NonZI}
const NonZIContinuousExpert = NonNegContinuousExpert{NonZI}

Example: Gamma Expert

As an example, we will use the Gamma expert to demonstrate how to write a customized expert function for any continuous distribution. For discrete distributions, the Poisson distribution is a good example, but we will omit the details here. In this illustrative example, we will go through the source code of Gamma Expert (available here) to see what is needed to add a customized expert function.

Before starting, we create a new source code file gamma.jl for Gamma expert, and put it in the corresponding folder, i.e. src/experts/continuous.

Defining a struct

The first step is to define the Gamma expert function and some basic and common functions shared by all experts. This corresponds to the first block of the source code. The details are quite similar to adding a customized distribution to Distributions.jl, including defining the new GammaExpert as a sub-type of NonZIContinuousExpert, some constructors and conversions of parameters.

struct GammaExpert{T<:Real} <: NonZIContinuousExpert
    GammaExpert{T}(k::T, θ::T) where {T<:Real} = new{T}(k, θ)

function GammaExpert(k::T, θ::T; check_args=true) where {T <: Real}
    check_args && @check_args(GammaExpert, k >= zero(k) && θ > zero(θ))
    return GammaExpert{T}(k, θ)

## Outer constructors
GammaExpert(k::Real, θ::Real) = GammaExpert(promote(k, θ)...)
GammaExpert(k::Integer, θ::Integer) = GammaExpert(float(k), float(θ))
GammaExpert() = GammaExpert(1.0, 1.0)

## Conversion
function convert(::Type{GammaExpert{T}}, k::S, θ::S) where {T <: Real, S <: Real}
    GammaExpert(T(k), T(θ))
function convert(::Type{GammaExpert{T}}, d::GammaExpert{S}) where {T <: Real, S <: Real}
    GammaExpert(T(d.k), T(d.θ), check_args=false)
copy(d::GammaExpert) = GammaExpert(d.k, d.θ, check_args=false)

Exporting the expert function

This step should technically be at the very end, but we introduce it here to facilitate testing during development. In order for the expert function to be accessible to the user, it should be exported by modifying the files src/experts/expert.jl and src/LRMoE.jl: In the former, gamma is added to contintous_experts so that the source file src/experts/continuous/gamma.jl is included; In the latter, GammaExpert is exported so that the gamma expert function is accessible outside of the package.

Basic and additional functions

For all expert functions, there are a number of basic functions absolutely needed for using the package. In addition, some functions may be omitted (e.g. calculating limited expected value) if they are not relevant to the modeling problem at hand.

Basic probability functions: pdf, logpdf, cdf and logcdf. These are used for calculating the loglikelihood of the model. Notice that for logpdf etc., we have directly used the corresponding functions in Distributions.jl since the Gamma distribution is already implemented there. If this is not the case, the user can also add a new distribution type following the guide in Distributions.jl, and add the source code to the folder src/experts/add_dist.

## Loglikelihood of Expert
logpdf(d::GammaExpert, x...) = (d.k < 1 && x... <= 0.0) ? -Inf : Distributions.logpdf.(Distributions.Gamma(d.k, d.θ), x...)
pdf(d::GammaExpert, x...) = (d.k < 1 && x... <= 0.0) ? 0.0 : Distributions.pdf.(Distributions.Gamma(d.k, d.θ), x...)
logcdf(d::GammaExpert, x...) = (d.k < 1 && x... <= 0.0) ? -Inf : Distributions.logcdf.(Distributions.Gamma(d.k, d.θ), x...)
cdf(d::GammaExpert, x...) = (d.k < 1 && x... <= 0.0) ? 0.0 : Distributions.cdf.(Distributions.Gamma(d.k, d.θ), x...)

Parameters and initialization: The following functions are necessary for calling the functions to initialize parameters (e.g. cmm_init_params).

In the following params_init function, we assume a vector of observations y, and match the first two moments to solve for the parameters of a gamma distribution. Notice that the function should return an expert function, not the parameter values. Also, an empty expert should also be added to the corresponding list in src/paramsinit.jl. In this case, GammaExpert() is added to _default_expert_continuous.

The function ks_distance is used to select an initialization of expert which has the lowest test statistics for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, in other words, the K-S distance is minimized. The ks_distance simply calculates the test statistics given a vector of observations y and an expert function GammaExpert (i.e. to see if the observations y come from a Gamma distribution).

## Parameters
params(d::GammaExpert) = (d.k, d.θ)
function params_init(y, d::GammaExpert)
    pos_idx = (y .> 0.0)
    μ, σ2 = mean(y[pos_idx]), var(y[pos_idx])
    θ_init = σ2/μ
    k_init = μ/θ_init
    if isnan(θ_init) || isnan(k_init)
        return GammaExpert()
        return GammaExpert(k_init, θ_init)

## KS stats for parameter initialization
function ks_distance(y, d::GammaExpert)
    p_zero = sum(y .== 0.0) / sum(y .>= 0.0)
    return max(abs(p_zero-0.0), (1-0.0)*HypothesisTests.ksstats(y[y .> 0.0], Distributions.Gamma(d.k, d.θ))[2])

Simulation: A simulator is also needed, which simulates a vector of length sample_size from the expert function.

## Simululation
sim_expert(d::GammaExpert, sample_size) = Distributions.rand(Distributions.Gamma(d.k, d.θ), sample_size)

Penalty on parameters: This is also required. When fitting mixture models, the EM algorithm may converge to a spurious model with extremely large or small parameter values, which is undesirable for a number of reasons (e.g. giving infinite likelihood, or straight up a NaN error). Hence, a penalty is imposed for these extreme cases. In implementation, we essentially assume the parameters have a prior distribution described by some hyperparameters. Consequently, the EM step is essentially maximizing a posterior loglikelihood.

As a rule of thumb, we assume a Gamma prior for positive parameters and a Normal prior for real parameters. For example, the penalty terms for Gamma experts are coded as follows.

## penalty
penalty_init(d::GammaExpert) = [2.0 10.0 2.0 10.0]
no_penalty_init(d::GammaExpert) = [1.0 Inf 1.0 Inf]
penalize(d::GammaExpert, p) = (p[1]-1)*log(d.k) - d.k/p[2] + (p[3]-1)*log(d.θ) - d.θ/p[4]

In the function penalize, the hyperparameters are given as a vector p. We assume the shape parameter k of the Gamma expert follows a Gamma prior distribution with shape p[1] and scale p[2]. Analogously, the scale parameter θ of the Gamma expert follows a Gamma prior distribution with shape p[3] and scale p[4]. The penalize function calculates the prior logpdf of the parameters, excluding the constant terms since they are irrelevant to the EM algorithm.

The functions penalty_init initializes some default hyperparameters, if they are not given by the user. Similarly, no_penalty_init speficies hyperparameters which poses no penalty, as plugging ion p = [1.0 Inf 1.0 Inf] into the penalize function yields zero. Still, it is recommended to always use some penalty in application to avoid the issue of spurious models mentioned above.

Note that the penalty term should be subtracted from the loglikelihood when implementing the M-step of the EM algorithm (see below).

Miscellaneous functions: There are a number of miscellaneous functions implemented for the expert function as shown below. They are mainly used in predictive functions such as predict_mean_prior. It is recommended to code them as well when adding a new expert function, but (some or all of) these functions can be optional if the user only wants to fit an LRMoE model.

## statistics
mean(d::GammaExpert) = mean(Distributions.Gamma(d.k, d.θ))
var(d::GammaExpert) = var(Distributions.Gamma(d.k, d.θ))
quantile(d::GammaExpert, p) = quantile(Distributions.Gamma(d.k, d.θ), p)
lev(d::GammaExpert, u) = d.θ*d.k*gamma_inc(float(d.k+1), u/d.θ, 0)[1] + u*(1-gamma_inc(float(d.k), u/d.θ,0)[1])
excess(d::GammaExpert, u) = mean(d) - lev(d, u)

M-Step: exact observation

The next step is to implement the M-step of the EM algorithm, which is given in Section 3.2 of Fung et al. (2019). Notice that the cited paper considers the issue of data truncation and censoring, but as a first step, we will just assume all data are observed exactly. Data truncation and censoring are dealt with afterwards.

The M-step with exact observation is carried out by the function EM_M_expert_exact in the source code. Note that the function name and arguments should not be altered, since it is referenced in the main fitting function of the package.

In short, the goal is to maximize the objective function z_e_obs * $LL$, where $LL$ is the loglikelihood of the expert d when observing a vector ye. If the function argument penalty is true, then a penalty term given by hyperparameters pen_params_jk (see also above) is subtracted from the objective function. The function argument expert_ll_pos is a legacy and irrelevant to the M-step when observations ye are exact.

For Gamma expert, we are maximizing with respect to $k$ and $\lambda$ (without penalty) the objective function z_e_obs multiplied by

$LL = \sum_{i = 1}^{n} (k-1)\log(y_i) - y_i/k - \log(\Gamma(k)) - k\log(\lambda)$.

The optimization is done by calling minimizer in Optim.jl, which is ommited in this document. Penalty can also be added in the objective function if the function argument penalty is set to true.

Finally, the EM_M_expert_exact returns a Gamma expert object containing the updated parameters, thus completing the M-step.

M-Step: censored and truncated observation

One important feature of this package is to deal with censored and truncated data, which is common both in and outside actuarial contexts. In this case, the loglikelihood is incomplete, in the sense that $y_i$ above is not known exactly, leading to an additional E-step before the M-step.

In particular, the M-step with data censoring and truncation is done by the function EM_M_step, which takes a few more arguments compared with EM_M_expert_exact. Again, the function name and arguments should not be altered.

Recall that we assume the obsercations are truncated between tl and tu, as well as censored between yl and yu. These lower and upper bounds are needed for the M-step.

Censored data points are in the observed dataset. For all the censored observation y, we don't know their exact values, but only know that they are between yl and yu. Hence, for those observations, we should take the expected value of the loglikelihood, further normalizing them by the probability of falling within this interval (which is equal to exp.(-expert_ll_pos)).

For the Gamma expert, we refer to the equation of $LL$ above: the uncertain terms are $\log(y_i)$ and $y_i$, so we should compute their conditional expectation, given that the exact observation is between yl and yu. This corresponds to some numerical integration procedures in the source code. Note that the conditional expectation should be computed with respect to the probability measure implied by the old (i.e. not yet updated) parameters.

A similar remark can be made about truncated observations, which are not present in the dataset due to truncation. Those are either smaller than the lower bound of truncation tl, or larger than the upper bound of truncation tu. In addition, the function argument k_e is equal to the expected number of lost observations due to truncation, which should also be multiplied to the conditional expectation of loglikelihood.

To be more specific, we also numerically integrate $\log(y_i)$ and $y_i$ in $LL$, but from 0 to tl and from tu to Inf. Then, we normalize it by the probability exp.(-expert_tn_bar_pos) to obtain the conditional expectation. Finally, the loglikelihood is further multiplied by k_e to account for all unobserved data points due to truncation.

Finally, the loglikelihood of truncated observations is added to the objective function for optimization.

Notes and tips

There are quite a few things to note when adding a customized expert function.

  • Exact observations: If the problem at hand only concerns exact observations, then the user can write the EM_M_exact function only.

  • Speeding up numerical integration: In EM_M_step, numerical integration for certain expert functions can take a long time. In the gamma.jl example, the author has first looked up for unique lower and upper bounds, and only integrate using those pairs. Then, the numerical integration is mapped to the original dataset. Users are advised to also take this approach, which can be done by conveniently copying and modifying the source code of gamma.jl.

  • Optimization constraits: Some expert functions pose constrants on the parameters, e.g. the parameters of Gamma experts should be positive. However, constrained optimization can be computationally slow. In gamma.jl, we have used a log transformation, so that the optimization procedure Optim.optimize is unconstrained. Also, specifying a small search interval speeds things up.

  • Zero inflation: For zero-inflated expert functions, the M-step should only take in positive observations for continuous experts, but all non-negative observations for discrete experts. See gamma.jl and poisson.jl for a comparison.

For further questions and tips when customizing expert functions, please contact the author on github.